11 April 2020
今天在 Macbook 上看 PDF,突然懒癌发作,不想动手翻页。想到 AppleScript 似乎可以做一些 GUI 的自动化,是不是可以每隔一段时间,就帮我划一下触摸板,把书往上翻一翻呢?
事实证明我想多了。AppleScript 不支持模拟触摸板操作。那就退而求其次吧,每隔一会自动按一下键盘的向下翻页。
参考 StackOverflow 上一个好心人的答案,改改应用名称和按键值,写出了第一版。
tell application "System Events"
repeat while (exists of application process "Preview")
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
if "Preview" is in activeApp then
tell its application process "Preview"
repeat while frontmost
key code 125
delay 30
end repeat
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
这样就能在 Preview 窗口活动的情况下,每半分钟自动往下翻翻。
我就这么用了一小会之后,感觉不太方便,Preview 不活动的时候,它就不翻书了,很不人性化,我需要多任务,在使用其他 App 的同时,Preview 也在自动翻书。
研究了一会,实现了多个 App 窗口先后激活,先激活 Preview,再翻书,最后激活之前的窗口。
tell application "System Events"
set appRunning to exists of application process "Preview"
end tell
if not appRunning then
exit repeat
end if
delay 30
tell application "Preview"
if frontmost then
set activeApp to "Preview"
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
end if
tell application "System Events" to key code 125
log "Next Page"
end tell
tell application activeApp
end tell
end repeat